Private Session Acupuncture

At Nashua Acupuncture Center, we offer individual acupuncture sessions.  Patients receive their treatment in one of our relaxing, private treatment rooms. Private session acupuncture is designed to meet the needs of a variety of patients. The individual treatment room allows patients the comfort of a separate space to discuss a main complaint (ie: infertility, gynecological issues or gastrointestinal conditions), or for patients who enjoy their quiet, alone time to rebalance their body and mind.


During a private session acupuncture treatment, a patient may also receive additional therapeutic modalities to address his/her main complaint such as electro-acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping and gua sha.  These additional modalities will be discussed with each patient when it is potentially therapeutically beneficial for their condition. 

Acupuncture for Back Pain Acupuncture for Back Pain


Call (603) 324-7509 or contact us directly to schedule an appointment.