Only the Best for You and Your Health
At Nashua Acupuncture Center, we focus on meeting the needs of our patients through a holistic approach. Nashua Acupuncture Center offers both community and private acupuncture treatments, as well as Chinese herbal medicine. By offering a variety of treatment options, we are able to provide the treatments that are most therapeutically beneficial and cost effective to our patients.
What is community acupuncture?
Community acupuncture is a true reflection of how the medicine is practiced in China. A main goal of community acupuncture is to offer affordable acupuncture, making it more accessible to the broader community. For patients being treated, the communal space offers an atmosphere of healing, in addition to providing an opportunity to connect with others.
What if someone wants acupuncture, but doesn't want the community model?
Nashua Acupuncture Center offers both community acupuncture sessions and private room, one-on-one acupuncture sessions. We offer both treatment modalities to give our patients the option to receive acupuncture in a way that works for them.